When illegal practices go unreported at a financial services firm, the stakes are high. 金融服务公司的员工对非法行为知情不报潜藏着巨大的风险。
An Arkansas judge recently ordered J& J to pay$ 1.2 billion in penalties for illegal marketing practices. 最近阿肯色州的一位法官又要求强生支付12亿美元的罚金,理由是它涉嫌非法市场操作。
Wendleton has seen many instances of employees who don't fit in because they won't go along with unethical ( or even illegal) practices, but a clash in values can take many other forms. 温德尔顿见过员工不适应公司的很多实例,因为他们接受不了公司不符合伦理(甚至是非法)的行为。其实,价值观冲突还有其他很多种形式。
Shadow banking refers to illegal and unregulated lending practices through financing companies, trusts, street-side lenders or the like instead of through banks. 影子银行业指的是不通过银行,而是通过融资公司、信托机构、民间贷款商等机构进行非法及不受监管的放贷活动。
A group monitoring corruption levels around the world says illegal practices in poor countries are threatening the fight against poverty. 监督世界各地腐败程度的组织‘透明国际’说,在贫穷国家的非法行为正危及铲除贫穷的斗争。
MPs called for Mr Morgan to be questioned on his involvement in any alleged illegal practices. 英国国会传召了摩根去接受关于他是否有涉及非法窃听的询问。
Or if the horror stories of unpaid overtime and illegal employment practices will become the norm, all because you and your fellow filmmakers would like it to be cheaper. 或者,那些无薪酬加班、非法雇用等可怕的事情会不会成为常态,一切只是因为你和你的电影制作同事们想要费用更便宜。
In the gap between what is happening and what fisheries officials say is happening are the local villagers who rely on fish to survive-and who say they want the illegal practices stopped. 正在发生的及渔业官员们所说的二者的缺口是当地依赖鱼生存的村民们正在挣扎他们表示希望这种违法行为尽早消失。
Everyone is willing to follow the scripts he gives them, and they are just as willing to ignore his various illegal practices. 每个人都情愿按照他提供的剧本演戏,对他的各种不法行为视而不见。
Special mention must be made that during this year's audit of central budget implementation, the National Audit Office disclosed and sanctioned serious illegal and irregular practices in the current revenues and expenditures of the public finance and marked conspicuous improvement of audit quality. 特别是在今年的中央预算执行审计中,审计署揭露和查处了当前财政财务收支中存在的严重违法违规问题,审计工作的质量明显提高;
Oversight of serious illegal practices on statistics occurred within their jurisdiction, in their department or unit. 对本地方、本部门、本单位发生的严重统计违法行为失察的。
The SEC regulates interstate market securities and enforces laws against unfair and illegal practices. 证券交易委员会调控州际市场上的证券交易,并且依法禁止不公正的非法活动。
The Commission also ordered Intel to "cease illegal practices immediately". 欧盟委员会还命令英特尔“立即停止非法行为”。
The news of the world is far from alone in the use of dubious and illegal practices, as widely ignored reports from the information commissioner have shown. 正如英国信息专员(informationcommissioner)提交的一些被广泛忽视的报告所显示的,使用可疑乃至非法手段的媒体绝非《世界新闻报》一家。
The report, to be published today, suggests some companies are still exposing themselves to financial and reputational risks in spite of heightened efforts by the US and other governments to crack down on bribery and other illegal practices. 近日发表的这份报告指出,尽管美国和其它国家政府加大了对行贿和其它非法行为的打击力度,但一些公司仍将自己暴露在财务及名誉风险之下。
It is professional suicide to involve oneself in illegal practices. 从事非法活动即是专门的自毁行为。
Links to organised crime and illegal or unethical labour practices were also only checked in detail by 30 per cent of those surveyed. 在受访企业中,只有30%的企业详细调查了与有组织犯罪及非法或不道德劳工行为。
It also alleged illegal practices at six factories wholly or mostly owned by the South Korean group, including working hours far in excess of the legal limit. 该组织还指控三星集团旗下6家全资或大部分持股的工厂存在违法行为,包括工作时间严重超过法定上限。
US workers are suffering because our open competition approach is being swamped by some of our competitors 'more mercantilist, often unfair and sometimes even illegal practices. 美国工人受到伤害,因我们一些竞争对手更为重商主义的(通常是不公平的,有时甚至是非法的)行为,让我们的公开竞争方式陷入了困境。
This brochure covers illegal lending practices, warning signs of bad loans, how to avoid becoming a victim, filing a compaint and resources for advice and assistance. 本文涵盖合法贷款案例、不良借贷预警讯号、如何避免成为受害者、书面投诉方法及相关谘询协助资源等。
The dismissal of Tang Jiang, amid allegations of illegal trading practices, shocked industry observers because the JPMorgan venture was seen as one of the most successful and respected fund management firms during the recent domestic equity boom. 唐建因被指控存从事非法交易而被解雇,这一事件震惊了业内观察人士,因为在最近的中国股市热潮中,摩根大通的合资公司被视为最成功而且最受尊敬的基金管理公司之一。
There is nothing necessarily illegal about such practices, lawyers and brokers say. 律师和经纪商表示,此种做法未必是违法的。
The researchers say that despite illegal practices being condemned by the government, standards of blood collection and blood storage desperately need to be improved to stop the spread of the virus. 科学家们说,尽管非法献血已经被政府部门所制止,采血和储存血液的方法还是迫切需要改进,以阻止病毒的传播。
The Electoral Affairs Commission would work closely with the Independent Commission against corruption ICAC and the police in ensuring that the elections were free from illegal or corrupt practices. 选举管理委员会和廉政公署和警方紧密合作,确保选举不受任何非法或舞弊行为影响。
The securities class actions have played an important role in settling securities fraud disputes, stopping deceptive and illegal securities practices and safeguarding investors 'rights. 美国证券集团诉讼制度在处理证券侵权纠纷、遏制证券违法行为、保护投资者权利方面发挥了重要作用。
Through nearly a decade of legal practice we can see that the crime of illegal business practices exposed the vulnerability of Justice and the 79 criminal law crime of speculation similar. 通过近十年的司法实践我们可以看见,非法经营罪司法实践暴露出的漏洞与79刑法中的投机倒把罪相差不多。
Meantime behind the safety accident in production of mine each time there are illegal business practices because the mine operators were lured by money and luck. 而与此同时,每次矿山安全生产事故背后都有被金钱诱惑和存有侥幸心理的矿山经营者的违法经营行为。
At the same time, the futures market as the interests of capital accumulation and the main game place, market manipulation or illegal trading practices is concomitant with the market. 与此同时,期货市场作为资本集聚和利益主体博弈的场所,操纵市场或是违规交易行为与此相伴相生。